Goal 目標

The E-Logistics Group aims to conduct collaborative research among local and international researchers, practitioners and students to investigate the applications of information and communications technology for e-logistics management. It is expected to bring intellectual benefits to the supply chain and logistics programs in HSUHK and the practitioners at both regional and international levels.


Completed Projects 已完成項目

Intelligent Systems Ready for the Digital Future of Supply Chains

Project Reference No.: UGC/IIDS14/E01/16

Principal Investigator: Dr MO Yiu-wing (HSUHK)

With various governments’ digitalisation strategies, the innovation of decision analytics and intelligent systems will sharpen the global operational performance of companies and make big impacts in the future of supply chains. This project aims to set up a collaboration platform using workshops, seminars and a conference for academics, practitioners and students to face the emerging challenges and opportunities for supply chain management.

In partnership between Hang Seng Management College and Shue Yan University, we have invited a number of experts from local and international universities contributing to the development of the next generation. The expected deliverables include not only the exchange of innovative ideas across institutes through seminars, but also opportunities for researchers and students to work with practitioners on application-based research projects. These activities will be integrated into a roadmap for companies and universities to collaborate on the digital future of supply chains.

 Organized Workshops and Seminars 工作坊及研討會

 Year 2018

Date Workshop topic Speaker
8 March 2018 Financial and Economic Analytics I Prof. Cathy W.S. CHEN, Prof. Sangyeol LEE, Prof. Kosuke OYA
8 March 2018 Financial and Economic Analytics II Prof. Manabu ASAI, Prof. C.Y. Sin
6 Sep 2018 Big Data Analytics Prof. Hong YAN, Mr. Tak CHU, Dr. Dennis LEUNG
4 Oct 2018 Risk Analytics Prof. Tomohiro ANDO, Mr. David WONG
29 Nov 2018 Social Media Analytics Prof. Ying CHEN, Prof. Philip YU, Mr. Albus TANG

 Year 2017

Year 2014 – 2016

Month Seminar Presentation Topic Speaker
Feb 2016 Using of Big Data by SC Storage Kevin SHE, CEO, SC Storage
Nov 2015 Challenges and Opportunities of Converging Technology Kenneth WOO, Formerly COO, SAP
Oct 2014 Sensing and Tracking Technologies for Asset and Logistics Management Prof. CHENG Chun Hung, Associate Professor, Chinese University
Oct 2014 Turn Your Smartphone into Smart Solutions Stephen WAI, Business Development Manager, LSCM

Committee Members of E-Logistics Group 成員

Dr. WANG, Yue
Convener of E-Logistics Group
Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management

Dr. WU, Jack
Associate Convener of E-Logistics Group
Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management

Dr. LAM, Benson
Assistant Professor,  Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Dr. MA, Helen
Assistant Professor,  Department of Supply Chain and Information Management

Dr. MO, Daniel
Associate Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management