Posted on 04/07/2022

“Emerging extended reality and innovative technologies for smart transport and logistics”

An international plenary forum about “Emerging extended reality and innovative technologies for smart transport and logistics” was held on 19 May 2022. It is the closing plenary session of the 11th IFSPA 2022, with over 380 participants, including professors, scholars, industry practitioners, staff and students, from over 10 countries have attended the forum.

The forum was organized by The Hang Seng university of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, and the School of the Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It is also co-organized by Tsinghua University, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, C Y Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies, Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain (PRISC), and Virtual Reality Centre (VRC).

The forum was chaired by Dr. Eugene Wong, Director of PRISC and Associate Professor of HSUHK. Six renowned speakers from the US, Singapore, Italy and Hong Kong were invited to the forum, including Dr. Michael Grives, Chief Scientist, Digital Twin Institute; Prof. Andrew Nee, Professor Emeritus of National University of Singapore; Dr. Chung Ng, Senior Vice- President, Technology Strategy and Development, HKT; Mr. Jimmy Pang, President, Supply Chain Safety and Security Association; Mr. Eric Poon, Head of Performance Enhancement, HACTL, and Dr. Graziano Terenzi, CEO, Inglobe Technologies. They have shared the latest industry development and how extended reality and innovative technologies have helped the industry to advance. Participants actively discussed and asked questions in the Q&A session. A group photo has been taken online at the end of the forum.




論壇由恒生大學全球供應鏈政策研究所所長黃彥璋博士主持。是此論壇取得了空前的成功,參會人數創新高。有來自超過10 多個國家的 380 多名參加者參與了此次活動。

論壇邀請了來自美國、新加坡、意大利及香港的六位知名演講者,包括Dr. Michael Grives(Digital Twin Institute首席科學家);Prof. Andrew Nee(新加坡國立大學名譽教授);Dr. Chung Ng(香港電訊科技策略及發展高級副總裁);Mr. Jimmy Pang(供應鏈安全及保安協會會長);Mr. Eric Poon(香港空運貨站部門主管)和 Graziano Terenzi博士(Inglobe Technologies 首席執行官)。他們分享了行業的最新發展以及延展實境和創新技術如何幫助業界發展。


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