Advisory Board
  • Prof. Lawrence Leung, Research Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
  • Dr. Stephen Ng, Head and Associate Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
  • Dr. Collin Wong Wai Hung, Associate Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
Executive Committee Members
  • Dr. Eugene Wong, Associate Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
Associate Director:
  • Dr. Danny Ho, Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
Marketing and Promotion Section:
  • Dr. Daniel Mo, Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management; Associate Dean (Engagement and Undergraduate Studies) of School of Decision Sciences
  • Dr. Fanny Chan, Head of Department of Marketing
Digital and Website Development Section:
  • Dr. Danny Ho, Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
Funding Source Initiation Section:
  • Dr. George Ho, Assistant Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
  • Dr Aileen Hou, Assistant Professor, Department of Computing
Research Database Management Section:
  • Dr. Helen Ma, Associate Head, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management
  • Dr. Siu Chi Chung, Associate Head, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance