Posted on 04/06/2018


The 1st Hong Kong Blockchain Conference organised by the Hong Kong Blockchain Lab Limited was held on 30 May 2018 at the JW Marriott Hotel.

Dr. Collin Wong, Organising Committee member of the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management was invited as one of the honoured guests and panel speakers in this Conference.

A panel discussion on “Capital and Training” was carried out which was hosted by Mr. Herbie Fu, 8 Decimal Capital Partner.  Apart from Dr. Wong, other speakers in this session included: Mr. Michael Wu, Founder of Amber AI, Dr. Anthony Ng, Managing Director of CoinSuper and Mr. Jianbo Wang, CIO of CYBEX.

Details of the 1st Hong Kong Blockchain Conference, please click HERE


A panel discussion on “Capital and Training”


Mr. Donald Ho presented a souvenir to Dr. Collin Wong


(From left to right) Mr. Donald Ho, Mr. Michael Wu, Dr. Anthony Ng, Dr. Collin Wong, Mr. Jianbo Wang, Mr. Herbie Fu


A group picture with honoured guests and speakers