Posted on 03/10/2018

The IFPHK Financial Planning Conference 2018 organised by the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) was held on 20 September 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme of the Conference was “Embracing Changes with Confidence”. More than 20 speakers shared their experiences and new thoughts on the topic with over 400 professionals and financial planners participated into the conference.

Dr. Collin Wong, Director of the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain was invited as one of the honourable speakers in the Greater Bay Area Forum “Exploring Business Opportunities in Greater Bay Area”. Mr. Paul Pong, Board Member of the IFPHK was the panel moderator. Other panel speakers included: Mr. Joseph Chan, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, HKSAR and Mr. Samuel Yung, Executive District Director, AIA International Limited, Vice Chairman, Committee for Economic Affairs, CPPCC National Community.  Apart from the panel discussion session, Dr. Wong presented the Greater Bay Area Research Report on Logistics and Trade Facilitation (Video excerpt).

Leading experts, government officials, CFPCM professionals and leaders from multi sectors of the financial services industry were brought together in this flagship event.

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From left: Mr. Steve Chiu, Dr. Collin Wong, Mr. Samuel Yung, Mr. Joseph Chan, Mr. Edmond Au, Mr. Paul Pong and Mr. Dennis Lau

Dr. Wong gave a presentation on the Greater Bay Research Report on Logistics and Trade Facilitation

From left: Mr. Paul Pong, Dr. Collin Wong, Mr. Joseph Chan and Mr. Samuel Yung

The Conference attracted over 400 professional and financial planners