Supply Chain Excellence and Innovation Centre

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新聞稿:   粵港澳大灣區物流與貿易便利化: 持份者關注點,中央部委意見及政策建議 提議 9 + 2 城市應如何融合、協調及分工發展   恒生管理學院全球供應鏈管理政策研究所及香港中文大學亞洲供應鏈及物流研究所發表題為「粵港澳大灣區物流與貿易便利化:持份者關注點,中央部委意見及政策建議」的研究報告。   撰寫研究報告的學者包括恒生管理學院決策科學學院院長梁志堅教授、供應鏈及資訊管理學系助理教授何熾權博士、副教授黃惠虹博士、香港中文大學亞洲供應鏈及物流研究所所長張惠民教授、恒生管理學院全球供應鏈管理政策研究所所主任吳志雄博士、供應鏈及資訊管理學系助理教授巫耀榮博士、黃彥璋博士、王越博士及高級研究助理吳揚明先生。  ...

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Logistics and Trade Facilitation in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area: Stakeholders Concerns, Comments from Central Government, and Policy Recommendations

Press Release: Logistics and Trade Facilitation in  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area: Stakeholders Concerns, Comments from Central Government,  and Policy Recommendations Recommendations for the Integration, Coordination and Division of Services for the 9 Cities + 2 SARS   The Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain and the Asian Institute...

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Seminar Series: Internet of Things with Data Science

Seminar Series: Internet of Things with Data Science 23 November 2017 The seminar series of Internet of Things with Data Science was successfully held on 23 November 2017 at Hang Seng Management College, attended by around 70 undergraduate students. Dr. Selina Ng, Postdoctoral Fellow of City University of Hong Kong was invited as the guest speaker of the...

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Seminar Series: Blockchain-Driven Validation in Supply Chain Applications

‌Seminar Series: Blockchain-Driven Validation in Supply Chain Applications‌ 19 October 2017 On 19 October 2017, the seminar series of “Blockchain-Driven Validation in Supply Chain Applications” was conducted at Hang Seng Management College, with about 75 participants, including academia and HSMC students joined. Dr. Tommy Cheung, Assistant Professor of...

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Seminar Series: How VR and AR Can Bring Innovation and Productivity to Enterprise?

‌Seminar Series: How VR and AR Can Bring Innovation and Productivity to Enterprise?‌ 21 September 2017 The seminar series of “How VR and AR Can Bring Innovation and Productivity to Enterprise?” was successfully held on 21 September 2017. This seminar was hosted by Dr. Eugene Wong, Director of Virtual Reality Centre in Hang Seng Management College. In this...

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Symposium on Intelligent Supply Chain Management

Symposium on Intelligent Supply Chain Management 8 July 2017 To accelerate digital supply chains future development, Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) and its Policy Research Institute for Global Supply Chain, Hong Kong Shue Yan University and E-Logistics Group co-organised the Symposium on Intelligent Supply Chain Management on 7 – 8 Jul 2017. The event...

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Seminar Series: Data Analytics for Knowledge Management in Design Engineering

Seminar Series: Data Analytics for Knowledge Management in Design Engineering 23 June 2017 The Policy Research Institute for Global Supply Chain and E-Logistics Group from Hang Seng Management College was delighted to invite Dr. Ying LIU, Associate Professor from Cardiff University as the guest speaker to deliver a professional seminar on “Data Analytics...

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Product Carbon Footprint Workshop I

Product Carbon Footprint Workshop I 21 January 2017 A Product Carbon Footprint Workshop I – Principles, Practices and International Standards on Product Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment was carried out in Hang Seng Management College on 21 January 2017 (Saturday). It was a half-day workshop organised by the Department of Supply Chain and...

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