Supply Chain Excellence and Innovation Centre

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IFPHK Financial Planning Conference 2018

The IFPHK Financial Planning Conference 2018 organised by the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) was held on 20 September 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme of the Conference was “Embracing Changes with Confidence”. More than 20 speakers shared their experiences and new thoughts on the topic with over 400...

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HSMC Publishes Research Report Proposes Collaboration at the Kwai Tsing Container Terminal to Increase Efficiency and Competitiveness

Press Release: HSMC Publishes Research Report Proposes Collaboration at the Kwai Tsing Container Terminal to Increase Efficiency and Competitiveness   HSMC report finds collaboration could cut yard traffic by 49% Shipping lines could save HK$88M per year 4,655 tonnes of CO2 emission could be reduced annually [Hong Kong – 13 August 2018] Hong Kong’s...

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New Era, New Link – The 1st Hong Kong Blockchain Conference

  The 1st Hong Kong Blockchain Conference organised by the Hong Kong Blockchain Lab Limited was held on 30 May 2018 at the JW Marriott Hotel. Dr. Collin Wong, Organising Committee member of the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management was invited as one...

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BEC EnviroSeries Conference May 2018 – The Greater Bay Area – Leveraging opportunities for Hong Kong in the transition towards sustainability

The Business Environment Council organised the BEC Enviro Series Conference with the theme “The Greater Bay Area – Leveraging opportunities for Hong Kong in the transition towards sustainability” on 23 May 2018 at the Mira Hong Kong. Dr. Collin Wong, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management was invited as...

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由深圳港口協會、香港貨櫃碼頭商會及深圳市港口設施保安協會聯合主辦之2018深港港口發展與安保研討會於2018年3月23日假千禧新世界香港酒店舉行。 是次研討會之主題為「粵港澳大灣區的港口高質量發展」。出席者包括:深圳港口協會會長林庆文先生、深圳市交通運輸委員會副主任娄和儒先生、香港房屋及運輸局副秘書長李頌恩女士、交通運輸部水運科學研究院副院長賈大山博士、中國综合開發研究院(深圳)副院長曲建博士等等。 恒生管理學院全球供應鏈政策研究所主任黃惠虹博士亦獲邀擔任演講嘉賓,主題為「粤港澳大灣區物流與貿易便利化 – 機遇及政策建議」。      ...

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「大灣區物流與貿易便利化」專題論壇 探討物流業未來機遇

2017年12月7日 恒管全球供應鏈管理政策研究所聯同香港中文大學 (中大) 亞洲供應鏈及物流研究所於2017年12月7日假香港喜來登酒店舉辦「粵港澳大灣區專題論壇:物流與貿易便利化」。是次論壇匯聚超過250位政商界領袖、行業精英、專業人士與學者,聚焦討論大灣區海、陸、空貨運物流與貿易便利化的議題。 恒管供應鏈及資訊管理學系系主任黃惠虹博士擔任論壇主持人。論壇由恒管校長何順文教授、恒管校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、粤港澳大灣區經貿協會榮譽會長暨香港特別行政區全國人大代表及強制性公積金計劃管理局主席黃友嘉博士分別致詞,歡迎各界嘉賓;並由政制及內地事務局副局長陳帥夫先生致開幕詞。...

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Greater Bay Area Symposium on Logistics and Trade Facilitation

7 December 2017 A Greater Bay Area Symposium on Logistics and Trade Facilitation, jointly organised by the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain of HSMC and the Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), was held on 7 December 2017 at Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers.  The symposium...

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