Posted on 28/05/2018

The Business Environment Council organised the BEC Enviro Series Conference with the theme “The Greater Bay Area – Leveraging opportunities for Hong Kong in the transition towards sustainability” on 23 May 2018 at the Mira Hong Kong.

Dr. Collin Wong, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management was invited as one of the panel speakers for the session on “Smart Cities – Connected Cities: Opportunities within the GBA – from transport to green buildings and energy management”. Dr. Wong gave a presentation on “Sustainable logistics development in the GBA – policy and recommendations”. Ms. Christina Tang, CEO and Founder of Blue Sky Energy Technology and Mr. Ang Boon Peng, Vice President (Strategic Collaboration), Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co, Ltd were the other speakers in this session.

After individual presentation by the three speakers, a panel discussion was held with Mr. Eric Chong, BEC Deputy Chairman, President & CEO of Siemens Ltd, Hong Kong and Macao as the moderator.

Presentation PowerPoint of Dr. Collin Wong, please click HERE
Details BEC EnviroSeries Conference May 2018, please click HERE


(From left to right) Mr. Ang Boon Peng, Ms. Christina Tang, Dr. Collin Wong and Mr. Eric Chong

Dr. Wong shared her insights during the panel discussion session

(From left to right) Ms. Janice Cheung, Dr. Collin Wong and Ms. Maya de Souoza