Posted on 09/10/2022

“Taking Ownership: A Roadmap for Supply Chain Decarbonisation”

A global ecosystems concerned forum “Taking Ownership: A Roadmap for Supply Chain Decarbonisation” was held on 05 October 2022 in HKCEC. It was one of the main sessions in a sustainable business forum & solution expo, with over 3,000 business leaders, sustainability practitioners, and professionals who are responsible for researching and resourcing new sustainable strategies as attendees. Dr Eugene Wong, Director in PRISC and Associate Professor in HSUHK, was invited to be the moderator.

The forum was organized by ReThink Hong Kong. It was sponsored by HSBC and supported by Hong Kong Green Finance Association and Sustainable Finance Initiative.

The forum was moderated by Dr. Eugene Wong. Four other speakers were also invited to the speak floor, including Ms. Jenny Fan, Director of  Sustainable Finance in ANZ; Mr. Chaminda Gunasekera, Senior Director of Asia Pacific in Seko Logistics Limited; Ms. Mitsuko Wong, Sustainability Lead of Product and Supply Chain in Ralph Lauren; Ms. Sophie You, Principal Consultant in RESET Carbon Limited.

Speakers have had discussion on several topics, including (1) the biggest challenges to companies seeking to decarbonise their supply chains, (2) some concrete steps companies can take to incentivise supply chain decarbonisation, and translate ambition into action, (3) roles for financial sector to play in incentivising supply chain behaviours, and in helping businesses navigate emerging supply chain challenges and opportunities, and (4) perspectives from finance, technology, new forms of retail, the identification of a robust inventory of GHGs, as well as the articulation of intention and engagement with suppliers and both internal and external stakeholders beyond the buying-supplying level.

There were two post-event actions being drawn: (1) to gain insights on concrete steps that companies are taking to decarbonise their supply chains in order to build and maintain positive relationships with suppliers and (2) to understand that the global nature of many supply chains allows companies to support decarbonisation beyond our borders.


“坐言起行 – 供應鏈減碳策略”

全球生態系統關注論壇“坐言起行 – 供應鏈減碳策略”已於2022年10月5日在香港會議展覽中心舉行。這是可持續商業論壇和解決方案博覽會的主要會議之一,有超過 3,000 名商業領袖、可持續發展從業者和負責研究和尋找新的可持續策略的專業人士參與。Dr. Eugene Wong(PRISC總監兼香港恆生大學副教授)受邀擔任主持人。

該論壇由ReThink Hong Kong主辦。其得到匯豐銀行贊助,並取得香港綠色金融協會可持續金融倡議會的支持。

論壇由Dr. Eugene Wong主持,另外邀請了其他四位演講者,包括Ms. Jenny Fan(澳盛銀行可持續金融總監);Mr. Chaminda Gunasekera(SEKO物流亞太區高級總監);Ms. Mitsuko Wong(拉夫勞倫產品和供應鏈可持續發展主管)及Ms. Sophie You(銳思碳管理首席顧問)。

演講者就多個主題進行了討論,包括 (1) 尋求供應鏈減碳的公司所面臨的挑戰,(2) 一些能被公司採用的具體措施以鼓勵和落實供應鏈減碳,(3) 金融業界在支持供應鏈減碳、幫助企業應對新的挑戰和機遇所發揮的作用,以及 (4) 從金融、技術、新零售形式等角度出發,確立溫室氣體排放目標、並與供應商以及內外持份者在採購與供應層面以外進行有效交流。

最後,演講者概括了兩項跟進項目:(1) 深入了解公司為實現供應鏈減碳而採取的具體行動,以便與供應商建立並保持良好的關係;(2) 了解企業如何能善用全球化供應鏈的特質來支持跨境減碳。


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