Posted on 24/11/2017

Seminar Series: Internet of Things with Data Science

23 November 2017

The seminar series of Internet of Things with Data Science was successfully held on 23 November 2017 at Hang Seng Management College, attended by around 70 undergraduate students. Dr. Selina Ng, Postdoctoral Fellow of City University of Hong Kong was invited as the guest speaker of the seminar to share her expertise and experience on the field of IoT and data science.

In this seminar, Dr. Ng shared an industrial analytics project experience with the audiences. She introduced and discussed the project objective, system design, algorithms applied and the use of RFID. A code demo was also presented to audiences at the end of the seminar for a comprehensive discussion. Positive feedbacks were received from participants who considered it informative and inspiring.

The seminar is fully supported by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong Special Administration Region, China. (Project Reference No. UGC/IIDS14/E01/16)

Photo 1_Seminar_Nov

Dr. Selina Ng introduced the Data Analytics Platform project

Photo 2_Seminar_Nov

Dr. Selina Ng received souvenir from Dr. Daniel Mo

Photo 3_Seminar_Nov

Group Photo