Posted on 21/09/2017

‌Seminar Series: How VR and AR Can Bring Innovation and Productivity to Enterprise?‌

21 September 2017

The seminar series of “How VR and AR Can Bring Innovation and Productivity to Enterprise?” was successfully held on 21 September 2017. This seminar was hosted by Dr. Eugene Wong, Director of Virtual Reality Centre in Hang Seng Management College. In this seminar, Dr. Wong shared his knowledge and professional expertise on the technology of Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Examples of VR and AR and several real-life applications were discussed and demonstrated. More than 75 participants attended this seminar. Positive feedbacks were received from participants who considered it enjoyable and informative.

The seminar is fully supported by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong Special Administration Region, China. (Project Reference No. UGC/IIDS14/E01/16)

Photo 1 - Seminar Sep

Dr. Wong introduced the current VR trends

Photo 2 - Seminar Sep

A keen discussion between Dr. Wong and participants

Photo 3 - Seminar Sep

Group Photo