Posted on 23/06/2017

Seminar Series: Data Analytics for Knowledge Management in Design Engineering

23 June 2017

The Policy Research Institute for Global Supply Chain and E-Logistics Group from Hang Seng Management College was delighted to invite Dr. Ying LIU, Associate Professor from Cardiff University as the guest speaker to deliver a professional seminar on “Data Analytics for Knowledge Management in Design Engineering” on 23 June 2017.

Seminar (June) Photo 1

Dr. Ying LIU delivered a talk with the topic “Data Analytics for Knowledge Management in Design Engineering”

Seminar (June) Photo 2

Participants paid attentions in the seminar

In this seminar, Dr. Liu introduced the concept and scope of Design Informatics and shared his valuable insights on the knowledge discovery and management in design engineering.  He also shared his views and opinions on the future research directions of knowledge management in design engineering. Participants considered this seminar informative and were keen to discuss with the speakers.

Seminar (June) Photo 3

Dr. Ying LIU received souvenir from Prof. Po Choi WONG, Dr. Daniel MO and Dr. Yue WANG

Seminar (June) Photo 4

Group Photo

The seminar is supported by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong Special Administration Region, China. (Project Reference No. UGC/IIDS14/E01/16)