SEIC  供應鏈卓越創新中心

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Supply Chain Excellence and Innovation Centre

Supply Chain Excellence and Innovation Centre

Vision Supply Chain Excellence and Innovation Centre is to undertake relevant, high-quality academic and policy research in supply chain and logistics management, bringing direct benefits to the community and enhancing the well-beings of supply chain and logistics stakeholders in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta.  

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Global Supply Chain Management

Global Supply Chain Management

Goal The Institute aims to be a leading policy institute in supply chain and logistics management. It will serve as a meeting point, literally and figuratively, for the regional stakeholders of global supply chain and logistics management, and also function as an interface between industry and academic partners. A major role of the Institute is to...

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  由香港特區政府工業貿易署「工商機構支援基金」資助,香港付貨人委員會主辦,生產力局擔任執行機構的「推動物流業及香港中小企落實數碼轉型執行能力」展開八場與供應鏈數碼轉型相關的主題研討會。研討會將探討如何利用先進的物流解決方案,例如智慧物流和企業數字化來提升營運效率,同時討論企業在數碼轉型過程中所面臨的挑戰和機遇。 PRISC全球供應鏈管理政策研究所所長黃彥璋博士為研討會「物流供應鏈可持續發展及企業數據優化秘訣」的其中一位主講嘉賓。 更多資訊可參考:推動物流業及香港中小企落實數碼轉型執行能力 (      ...

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